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Abstract (English):
The review of positivist, philosophical, sociological, integrative approaches of scientists to understanding of the law, their similar and distinctive features, is seen to be an urgent need of solving the problem to develop a common approach to understanding of law, creation of a sufficiently high level of legal awareness of all population layers.In the analysis of the philosophical approach to the reflection of the right revealed his bi-nary state, which is based on the distinction of the essence of law, its nature and symptoms of this phenomenon. The idea of separating the concepts of law in this approach is disputed.According to the libertarian concept of the level of legal requirements faced below philosophical categories and phenomena. Philosophical understanding of the law reveals the basic idea expressed in the rule of natural law is erected in a rank of the Basic Law.The quintessence of the sociological approach is its emphasis on sociolo-based communities of practice of application of legal rules, examination and headl-tion of social relations as legal. In this approach obnaruzhiv is the possibility of arbitrariness on the part of the state apparatus, since their actions result from the use of this approach will be recognised by law.The integrative approach is seen as preferable because it accumulates various ideas of the above positions. However, in our opinion, this approach is unable to fully delineate and o-riservati process of law.The study of the system of justice attempts to use understanding of the differentiation of law, its realization as an ideological component of knowledge and theories, practice and psychological spheres of sensory perception of the first component. Relevance of claims about the indivisibility of rights and justice, supported by histori-cal facts of transformation of views on the right, the need Dialek-ticheskogo conceptual unity and sensory perception of law in the system PRA of osoznanie.The problem of establishing and maintaining a certain level pravosudna-niya - one of the main tasks of the state. In this regard, it is proposed author's vision of its solution by regulating legal behavior on the basis of you Scrivania activities of the ruling elite of a society based on providing trustworthy and noble relations, guaranteeing the possibility of participation in various areas of the legal reality of the whole society on fair terms.

life, legal thinking, law, legal reality, the legal system, of justice, of justice system, consciousness factor
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