UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Comparison of criminal activity of convicts concerning whom punishments alternative to imprisonment and measures of criminal and legal character, and the population of Russia in 2010-2016 are executed is carried out. Positive dynamics of crime rate in the country from 2010 to 2016 is noted in general. Some reasons of growth of criminal activity of the population in the country in 2015 are analyzed. The influence of negative foreign policy processes on a macroeconomic situation which has reduced efficiency of the general prevention of crime is noted. The factors contributing to normalization of a situation in 2016 are given: adoption of the federal law which has made changes to the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation in the direction of decriminalization of a number of corpora delicti. Strengthening of a role of special and individual prevention of crime at decrease in effectiveness of the general prevention owing to influence of adverse socio-economic factors is noted. Differences in dynamics of the general indicators of crime in the Russian Federation and its such part as illegal behavior of convicts to alternative punishments and measures of criminal and legal character are specified. Growth of indicators of repeated crime of convicts observed in 2016 to alternative punishments and measures of criminal and legal character without imprisonment is also the investigation of the negative social and economic phenomena in Russia provoked by crisis of the international relations. Negative dynamics of level of criminal activity subregistration to criminal and executive inspections of convicts, observed in 2016, passed this category of persons in 2015 owing to a number of factors. One of the reasons is called reduction of total number staying on the registry in criminal and executive inspections of persons owing to implementation of the resolution of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of April 24, 2015 No. 6576-6 of the State Duma "About the announcement of amnesty in connection with the 70 anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" that has led to decrease in working load of the staff of criminal and executive inspectorates and increase in efficiency of special and individual prevention of crime of the convicts staying on the registry.
crime, convicts, criminal and executive inspections, alternative punishments and measures of criminal and legal character, general, special and individual prevention of crime, criminal activity, illegal behavior, law-enforcement bodies, level of repeated crime, law enforcement agencies
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