Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
On the basis of the theoretical and methodological analysis of scientific research as well as the personal empirical studies, the concept of psychological prevention of drug dependence of an individual has been developed. Its main idea is to consolidate the efforts of society to implement the system of continuous psychological prevention of drug dependence of a person, in which the family psychological well-being is an indispensable and sufficient condition, while the mental health of an individual is the principal factor determining the architecture of the system. The purpose of the concept is to determine the strategies of psychological prevention of drug dependence of an individual in the Russian Federation.Psychological prevention of drug dependence of an individual should be carried out at the pre-criminal, criminal and postcriminal level and should be systemic, continuous and permanent. It should be aimed at preserving the mental health of citizens, their social adaptation and rehabilitation, elimination of psychological problems, disclosure of hidden resources, development of a personal antidrug attitude.The psychological prevention of drug dependence of a person refers to the psycho-educational, psycho-diagnostic, psycho-corrective and health-saving activities of society. The process of psychological prevention should involve all social institutions of society.

concept, psychological prevention, drug addiction of an individual, levels of prevention, personal anti-drug attitude, family psychological well-being, principal factor, mental health of a person, primary, secondary, tertiary prevention
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