UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Characteristic peculiarities of a person l who, being a direct participant of corruption encroachment as the subject of corruption crime, is directly interested in achievement of the ultimate criminal goal and obtaining criminal result are considered. His participation in encroachment is expressed in use of the official position, powers for realization of a criminal plan and also in providing conditions for criminal activity, including the organization of bribes to other officials. Using information at various stages of criminal activity, the official can be both the participant, and the organizer of encroachment when he earns reward not in the form of in advance stipulated sum, and has the part in the "planned" criminal income gained as a result of all criminal activity which is carried out with his participation.
criminological characteristic of the identity of the criminal, official, special powers, crimes of corruption orientation, bribery, organizational and administrative, administrative functions
1. Kudashkin, A. V. Esche raz o pravovom ponyatii korrupcii [Tekst] / A. V. Kudashkin // Sovremennoe pravo. - 2010. - № 6
2. Luneev, V. V. Kriminologiya (prichiny, preduprezhdenie i metody izucheniya prestupleniy v Vooruzhennyh Silah SSSR) [Tekst] : uchebnik / V. V. Luneev. - M., 1986