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Abstract (English):
In the article, taking into account the analysis of the current criminal executive legislation (for the period from 2017 to 2021) identified the main directions of development of modern penal enforcement policy of the Russian Federation. On the example of individual federal laws, the regularities of the development of the legal status of convicts during the period under review are determined. It is concluded that most of the changes are aimed at further development and implementation of the principle of humanism in relation to convicts, including in connection with ensuring their right to life and health protection. Some of the changes aimed at improving the legal status of the convicted person were adopted taking into account current international standards and the work of international human rights organizations. The improvement of the penal enforcement legislation was also aimed at expanding the rights and obligations of convicts in the sphere of their labor use. Such a factor of penal enforcement policy as the influence of international standards and international human rights organizations will lose priority. The tightening of the penal enforcement policy in terms of the deterioration of the legal status of the convicted person is practically not visible, and some such cases occur, as a rule, in the context of the tightening of the criminal law policy of the state.

penal enforcement policy, penal enforcement legislation, legal status of convicts
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