On the need to implement a strategic approach in the personnel management of the penal system
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Abstract (English):
The article analyzes strategic approaches to personnel management of modern organizations, the content and results of the implementation of program documents related to the improvement of work with the personnel of the penal enforcement system, and also formulated proposals to improve the personnel strategy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, contributing to the efficiency of staffing and the activities of personnel services. The topic raised is relevant due to the insufficient elaboration of issues of strategic personnel management of the penal system. In addition, the activities of institutions and bodies of the penal enforcement system in recent years have been carried out in conditions of an acute shortage of personnel, which determines the need to form an effective personnel strategy aimed at high- quality recruitment of staff positions. The analysis of the literature made it possible to identify the main features of strategic personnel management, the objective need to develop personnel strategies. The successful implementation of these areas of the personnel policy of the penal enforcement system will contribute to the improvement of the regulatory and legal support of service.

penal enforcement system, personnel management strategy, work with personnel, personnel of the penal enforcement system
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