Provision of food on the basis of long-term supply contracts for public procurement
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Ensuring food security is a complex process that requires taking into account a significant number of factors. The article presents the results of a study of the processes of ensuring food security on the basis of long-term contracts for the supply of food for public procurement. It is determined that the public sector of the economy, represented by a significant number of agents, is one of the main players in the food market. It is proved that by now the level of state presence in the sector of agricultural production, its processing and production of food, as well as ready meals has reached minimum values. The article proves the expediency of the transition from the reductive form of contractual relations in public procurement of food to long-term agricultural contracts. Price externalities in the liberalized gas and grain markets are analyzed and promising areas of application of long-term state agricultural contracts in the direction of ensuring national interests and food security of the country are shown.

food, public procurement, breeding
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