Innovations in the teaching of the discipline "Finance"
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the implemented innovations in the teaching of the discipline "Finance" and highlights the experience of applying a practice-oriented, integration-active approach to teaching a discipline previously classified as theoretical. The purpose of the introduction of innovations is to form students' professional competencies, practical integral skills and abilities in the financial sphere, to educate young citizens of the country not indifferent to the formation and expenditure of centralized public funds and personal funds. The methodological basis for the development and materialization of innovations was made up of theoretical searches of research teachers and the author's experience in the use of traditional and modern innovative teaching technologies. The article outlines the order and organization of the educational process in financial discipline and the order of formation of professional skills and abilities in it through various forms of classes and pedagogical innovations. Relying on methods of comparative analysis of existing educational and methodological developments in the field of teaching and synthesis of researchers' conclusions, their systematization and generalization made it possible to develop an effective innovative pedagogical technology of collective learning in the form of an open interdisciplinary corporate seminar-discussion. The article reveals the methodology of the seminar-discussion and substantiates the importance of traditional pedagogical techniques for the introduction of progressive educational communications with operational feedback. It is emphasized that the involvement of students in the process of self-learning and mutual learning increases their interest in developing integral skills in general in the field of training. As a result, it was revealed that in order to ensure the quality of education, it is necessary to combine work in the classroom with training in an electronic information and educational environment when conducting training sessions in the classroom.

educational process, innovations in pedagogical technologies, professional competencies, effectiveness of innovations in education
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