Russian Federation
UDK 343.847 Исполнение наказания без лишения свободы
As a result of the conducted research, it was found that the measures taken in the Russian Federation for the purpose of adaptation and re-socialization of former convicts are insufficient for the following reasons. Firstly, the psychological and educational work carried out with convicts is ineffective due to the lack of trust among the latter in the staff of the psychological service. Secondly, the specialties that a convict can master in a correctional institution are not relevant. Former convicts, being livestock breeders, turners and seamstresses, cannot represent a competitive force in the labor market. Thirdly, about a quarter of all crimes are committed by previously convicted persons. These facts indicate that the adoption of the Federal Law "On Probation in the Russian Federation" is a timely measure that can prevent further recidivism of crimes and adapt former convicts to life in society. However, the text of this law excludes the concept of "pre-penitentiary probation". However, it is necessary because: 1) a small number of citizens can afford to conclude an agreement with a lawyer due to the high cost of his services; 2) courts, choosing a measure of restraint on particularly serious articles, most often decide to detain the accused, while the accused cannot fully realize their legitimate interests and build a line of defense together with their lawyers.
probation, penitentiary system, accused, lawyer, resocialization, adaptation, educational work, psychological work
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