Ryazan, Russian Federation
UDK 343.976 Алкоголизм, употребление наркотиков и преступления
UDK 343.814 Исправительно-трудовые заведения
The article reveals the factors influencing the struggle of operational units of correctional institutions with illicit drug trafficking. The problems related to the commission of these crimes using information and telecommunication technologies are considered. These factors are caused by socio-economic, ethnic, socio-psychological and criminological conditions, mutual exchange of information about the penetration of narcotic drugs to convicts. Some proposals are being made to improve the organization of the functioning of operational units of correctional institutions in the prevention and disclosure of illicit drug trafficking in correctional institutions.
operational units, the fight against illicit drug trafficking, interaction
1. Rumjancev, N. V. 2022, ‘To the question of some problems of administrative and legal regulation on countering extremist activity’, Man: crime and punishment, vol. 30(1-4), iss. 4, pp. 567-574.
2. Shhetnev L. E. 2022, ‘The main directions of improving the legal framework for operational implementation’, Man: crime and punishment, vol. 30(1-4), iss. 4, pp. 596-601.