Russian Federation
UDK 343.8 Исполнение наказания. Предупреждение преступлений
Weak theoretical knowledge in the field of pedagogical psychology, combined with insufficient methodological awareness, do not allow correctional officers to fully achieve positive results in the correction of convicts. Because of this, there is a need to increase, firstly, psychological, pedagogical and conflictological competence, and secondly, appropriate professional training of subjects for the successful practical implementation of methods of educational influence. In order to resolve the existing contradiction, this article is proposed. It updates: 1) the theory of correction of convicts; 2) the problem of studying the pedagogical method of "explosion", developed by A. S. Makarenko, and its application taking into account the personality and the current moment. The article also reveals the concepts of intrapersonal conflict, the method of "explosion", prerequisites, factors, conditions, principles of the relationship between conflict and "explosion". The objects of the study are the intrapersonal conflict of the convicted person as a psychological phenomenon and the "explosion" as a pedagogical method, the subject is their relationship and mutual influence, the purpose is to identify the psychological and pedagogical mechanism of transformation of a destructive intrapersonal conflict into a constructive one, making a decision to correct..
intrapersonal conflict, the method of "explosion", transformation, algorithm of actions, correction of the convict psychological and pedagogical technologies, conflictological competence
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