The great teacher and the great psychologist K. D. Ushinsky (to the 200th anniversary of his birth)
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article was prepared as part of the scientific events of the Year of the Teacher and Mentor and is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great ascetic of national education K. D. Ushinsky. Axiological, anthropological, hermeneutic methodological approaches, retrospective and constructive-genetic methods of historical and pedagogical research were used in the analysis of his creative heritage. The main sources for scientific research were the pedagogical writings of K. D. Ushinsky, the works of famous teachers, psychologists, historians of pedagogy and psychology, whose scientific interest is connected with the study of the ideas and experience of the classic of Russian pedagogy. The main purpose of the article was to identify those substantive aspects of K. D. Ushinsky's scientific works, conceptual ideas, conclusions that would characterize him not only as a great teacher, but also as a great psychologist.

K. D. Ushinsky, great teacher, great psychologist, pedagogical anthropology, pedagogical psychology, practical psychology
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