UDK 343.85 Предупреждение преступлений. Уголовная профилактика. Социальные меры предупреждения. Профилактика преступности несовершеннолетних
The article analyzes the prison subculture from the standpoint of systems theory. It is noted that the existence of informal strata of convicts and stable prison caste formation can be justified by the laws of synergetics, a science that explains the behavior of dissipative structures. It is shown that the main characteristics of a self-organizing system are characteristic of a prison society structured according to the stratification type. From the point of view of systems theory, possible models of countering the expansion of the prison subculture are considered: 1) destruction of the system; 2) the introduction of innovative elements with the formation of new laws of interaction of individual elements of the system; 3) depriving the self-organizing system of the ability to self-replication. The most acceptable choice in the existing conditions is the last option. The conclusion is made about the prospects of the current penitentiary policy of our state.
self-organizing system, theory of systems, synergetics, prison subculture, penitentiary system, execution of punishment, fluctuation
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