Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article shows the importance of effective product competitiveness management to ensure the economic security of the enterprise. A conceptual scheme for assessing the competitiveness of products and methods of its application are presented, competitiveness indicators are determined, complex qualitative and economic indicators and an integral indicator of competitiveness are calculated using the example of products of enterprises of the leather industry. Based on the analysis of competitiveness indicators, the place of the products of the studied enterprise among similar products of competing firms is determined. The developed algorithm for assessing the competitiveness of products, the proposed approaches, methods and tools are of great practical importance and can be recommended for use in various industries when determining the place of a company's products in a specific market segment and subsequent development of a competitive development strategy in order to ensure the economic security of the organization.

economic security of the enterprise, competitiveness, indicators of competitiveness, indicators of competitiveness, competitive strategy
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