UDK 378.6 Специальные высшие учебные заведения
UDK 343.83 Служащие мест лишения свободы. Тюремные работники
The article describes the experience of organizing the work of the curator of the training group of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. Its relevance lies in the fact that currently the training of qualified, independent, spiritually developed, proactive, highly moral cadets is the main task facing educational institutions of higher education of the Federal Penitentiary Service. One of the tools for the implementation of this task is the organization of high-quality educational work with cadets with the involvement of a curator. The article highlights the basic principles of the organization of the work of the curator of the study group: complexity, consistency, humanism, purposefulness, self-actualization, consistency, social responsibility. The organization and main directions of curatorial work with cadets are considered. In conclusion, the obtained results of the curator's work with the assigned group are described, and appropriate conclusions are drawn.
cadet, curator, curatorship, educational work, organization of the curator's work
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2. Korshunova, A. A. 2020, ‘Pedagogical conditions of formation cognitive activity of students in educational institutions of higher education of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the course of independent training’, Scientific Notes of the P. F. Lesgaft University, iss. 12(190), pp. 103–106.
3. Piyukova, S. S. 2015, ‘Curation as a means of educational work with cadets and students of a departmental university’, Bulletin of the Samara Law Institute, iss. 2(16), pp. 86–90.
4. Titova, O. Z. 2021, ‘On the specifics of curatorial activities in universities of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia’, Bulletin of the Samara Law Institute Institute, iss. 4(45), pp. 92–96.